" (Bouril) His reverence of the Cannabis plant is surprising to many, but was not unusual in colonial times, especially among farmers who would obviously value a cash crop that "grows like a weed."".
American farmers are the strongest pushers of a reform in the laws banning hemp cultivation. When farming wheat, barley, and canola, they make only about $25 dollars an acre, which is not even enough to get by for many, but in Canada, where industrial hemp is legally grown, farmers make about $225 per acre farming hemp, and the price continues to rise due to the seemingly exponential growth in demand for hemp products. (Ackerman) A single acre of hemp produces the equivalent of up to 3 acres of cotton, or up to 4 acres of trees. This is because hemp can be harvested a mere 120 days after being sown from seed. Within the next 25 years, the global demand for hemp is expected to double, and hemp is the only hope of saving the earth from the already crippling deforestation (Bouril). The legalization of industrial hemp cultivation in the United States would boost our global trade, increase national funds from taxation, and give new hope to poor farmers all around the country.
Although the most demand for hemp is placed on the production of paper and cloth products, seemingly limitless numbers of other uses have been surfacing. Compressed hemp is twice as strong as wood. Wide use of a hemp-based wood substitute could eliminate the need to import lumber; much of which is taken from ancient rainforests. Hemp derivatives also provide alternatives to plastic, gasoline, coal, and drywall just to name a few. Hemp's wide array of uses is due to its many useable parts. The stalk of the Cannabis plant is composed of long and short fiber, as well as cellulose-rich hurds that can be made into composite plastic alternatives. Along with the industrial uses, the hemp plant is also used all around the world as a source of protein-rich food (Kane).
The miraculous plant is also known as hemp. ... Hemp was widely used during the 18th century that it was considered the age of hemp. Hemp prospered until in 1937, Popular Mechanics named hemp to be the new billion-dollar crop. ... Because hemp and marijuana share the same name, cannabis sativa, hemp fell under the new strict law. ... Hemp is also low maintenance. ...
But there is a vast growing market for hemp, "hemp crops could indeed be profitable for farmers because hemp is a multipurpose crop" (West). ... Industrial hemp is a very prolific plant. ... Hemp is also a very low maintenance crop. ... Some colonies even found it so "valuable they passed legal tender laws so that hemp could be used to pay taxes"(Hemp). ... Industrial hemp is not marijuana though. ...
Hemp is the sister plant of marijuana, also called cannabis sativa. ... Not only does hemp keep people nutritious, but the byproduct of pressing the oil from hemp seed is high quality protein seed cake. ... Birds favored the hemp seeds because when they were in mixed piles of seeds they would specifically pick out hemp seeds. According to the facts about the oils in the hemp seeds, birds would most likely live longer using hemp seeds in their diet for their feathers and overall diet. ... Hemp stems are 80% hurds (pulp by-product after the hemp fiber is removed from the plant). ...
HEMP Most Americans choose to remain ignorant concerning the many economical advantages of Hemp and what it can provide. ... Now to focus on the wide range of what hemp can do for us. ... Compared to recycled tree paper that can only be "recycled" 3 times, Hemp paper can be recycled up to 8 times. ... Therefore, trees are cut to make most recycled paper, whereas recycled hemp paper comes from 100% recycled fiber. ... These are but a few advantages that Hemp could provide if American society was willing to look past its judgment. ...
Hemp can also be used in many other materials such as hemp ink, shakes, burgers, cheese, and even hemp breakfast cereals. ... The main difference between hemp and marijuana is that hemp is useful to us; some people realize that and others have not. ... Hemp was the first cultivated fiber plant. ... We also have hemp in our own history. ... During this time hemp was as good as money, during the American Revolution Robert Carter was a major producer of hemp. ...
Hemp can save the world Industrial hemp is perhaps the world's most versatile fiber, it can be used to make almost anything. ... The first people to cultivate and use hemp were the Chinese. ... Hemp encouraged early recycling efforts, workers would collect old hemp clothing and ropes, then use the fibers to make paper. ... Even our founding fathers advocated the growth of hemp. ... It is virtually impossible to get high from smoking hemp. ...
The Farmers High Hemp is not pot and does not represent hippies and free love. ... "By definition hemp is an annual plant belonging to the Nettle family. ... Hemp fiberboard is twice as strong as wood based fiberboard. ... With all the known products hemp can be manufactured into and the ease of which it can be grown, hemp is simply the best choice for farmers in a dwindling farming community. ... Instead of the U.S importing hemp products we could now meet our own supply and demands resulting in lower prices for to the U.S. consumers for all of the many products made from hemp....
Hemp has been used to make ropes, fishing net, and paper. ... In the 6TH century oil was extracted form the hemp plant too. ... Hemp, on the ether hand contains only 0.1 to 0.4 percent THC, and that is not enough to mane anyone highto day merchandise such a clothes, jewelry, backpske, skatebosrds, snide snack food re made from hemp. ... George Washington and Thomas Jefferson were hemp farmers. If people could be educated about the difference between marijuana and inustria hemp. ...