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Cosmetic Dentistry

According to Sydney Garfield (214), wisdom teeth are removed if teeth are too crowded for braces. Treatment cost around two to three thousand dollars and requires monthly visits to the orthodontist. When teeth are straightened and braces are taken off, retainers, which are removable, are usually worn for at least a year. Retainers are used because bone surrounding the tooth roots may not be totally tightened and can still move (Garfield 225). The retainers keep teeth in its place until tissues adapt to its new position. .
             Over time, most people's teeth tend to get darker. Both external staining and internal discoloration are reasons why teeth change color. According to Donna Christiano (21), smoking and certain food and drinks cause external staining, while internal discoloration is resulted by aging. Discoloration may be lessened by avoiding the habit of smoking and drinking sodas, as well as brushing twice daily and have professional cleanings twice yearly (Chistiano 21). Also, one might try teeth whitening. The various choices for this method are: bleaching, bonding or veneers. Bleaching is the simplest and most popular solution for whitening stained teeth. Most procedures are done in a dental office and require more than one visit. A shield is placed on to the gums to protect its tissues, then a tray, made into the shape of ones teeth, is placed on, and contains a highly concentrated bleaching solution that is worn for several hours (Christiano 23). Lasers may also be used with this process to better the effects (American Dental Association). Bonding works very well for those with brown or gray discolorations and lasts for approximately eight years. This can also be used to color fillings in cavities. Bonding is painting the tooth with composite resin and is applied through a light gun (Christiano 23). It will cost from two to five hundred dollars a tooth.

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