COMFORT WOMEN: Mass controversy has arisen over whether or not the Japanese military instituted sexual slavery for its troops during the World War II. .
Did sexual slavery exist, and should the female victims be compensated for the crimes committed against them?.
During World War II, approximately two hundred thousand women were forced into sexual slavery by Japan's armed forces. Euphemistically called "Comfort Women," these women were enslaved in "Comfort Stations set up throughout East Asia by the Japanese military from the invasion of Manchuria in the late 1910's until the end of the Second World War.
These young women, most of them Korean, were lured by the promise of jobs or were kidnapped by the Japanese. Upon their arrival at these comfort stations, they were subjected to repeated rape and beating for resisting sex. They were simply discarded when they got too sick to be of any use. During the last months of World War II, most Comfort Women were murdered or left to die by retreating Japanese troops. (Kazuko).
Surviving comfort women have suffered permanent injury from disease, psychological trauma, or social ostracism. None of them have ever received any kind of official redress form the Japanese government which continues to evade its legal and moral responsibilities for crimes committed against these women. (Kazuko).
It should be discussed why this issue has been concealed for such long time. This is primarily because the Japanese authorities and the army have hidden all documents concerned. According to a record discovered recently, the Japanese Army not only carried out the sexual comfort operation in secret, but it also ordered the officers in charge of it to get rid of all related records. And this attitude of Japan has not been changed much until today. The Japanese government has denied the fact itself, but it gets to admit it when interested groups find out new undeniable facts.