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Youth Marketing

This strategy should grasp both parties" attention and interest, often involving an advertisement which is mutually acceptable in content to both markets without taking away any credibility (tweens) or positive benefits (adults) in its message. .
             The internet is used by tween's for almost everything. From school work to socialising to playing online computer games, tweens will be spending more of their time on the internet than ever before. As Martin Lindstrom (brandchannel.com) states " They were born with a computer screen as their window to the world and use a mouse to navigate it." Pop-up advertising, product-related games (on the organisation's website) and WWW computer game (especially in virtual world games) product placement will become strong advertising methods in reaching this audience.
             The ease in obtaining a mobile phone has also allowed the tween age group to communicate via SMS and talking, although most see it primarily as an SMS tool, usually preferring to write someone an SMS rather than communicating with them verbally. This has spawned an internationally recognised language that has been pioneered by tweens called "tween speak." If a marketer can communicate their message by using this language, either by SMS or other methods it will increase the organisation's relevance and profile in that market. .
             Parents realise that their tween is able to see advertising for what it really is, being able to filter the truth from "puffery" or misleading information. This has forged a strong consumer bond benefiting both parties with the tween influencing 80% of all adult purchases, forcing marketers to look at dual communications strategies for adult products, incorporating an idea, message or character in the ad that grabs the tweens attention. .
             One of the reasons for this shift in consumer behaviour is due to their increased awareness of society and advertisement recall. Tweens will often remember more information than their adult counterparts if the advertisement is successful in grabbing their attention, thus helping the adult in their information search and evaluating of alternative products.

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