The learning process does not only occur in the classroom but also at home, friend's houses, and on the street. During this period the identity concern reaches climax. According to Erikson this is the time when adolescents seek their true selves.
Erikson's sixth stage, Intimacy vs. Isolation, occurs during young adulthood. Intimacy with other people is possible only if a reasonably well integrated identity emerges from stage five. The main concern of Erikson's seventh stage, Generativity vs. Stagnation, is to assists the younger generation in developing and leading useful lives. When the individual feels that he has done nothing to help the next generation then they experience integrity. If the previous stages have not developed in a positive way then they will feel despair.
Erik Erikson's theories have provided a helpful framework for understanding children socio-emotional development. He defined the stages of growth from infancy to old age. At each stage people confront particular socio-emotional circumstances that must be addressed, How these situations are handled determines how a persons character and personality develop.
At the first stage of development children learn to either trust or mistrust their environment. Infants who receive love and care will learn to trust their environment. They trust they will be fed when they are hungry, changed when they are wet, and comforted when they are upset.
During the early childhood years, children deal with three stages of the eight socio-emotional growth stages. They learn to trust others outside of their families (teachers, care givers). They learn to gain independence and self control. In addition, they learn to take initiative and assert themselves in socially acceptable ways.
As an early childhood educator I can relate to the various stages. In my classroom it is important to develop a sense of trust. This sense of trust is implemented when I follow a consistent schedule, carry out all announced plans and promises, make contact with each child during the day, and make positive comments about children play activities.