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Two Of A Kind

" (Camus 83) Mersault noted this nonchalantly as he entered the court under the eyes of the jury as though he was an omnipotent observer of the universe. Mersault makes it apparent that he does not take seriously the gravity of his actions under the judgment of the law. Furthermore, he damns himself to execution by professing that he has no remorse before the court. It is important to observe in addition, that before his execution, he expressed a desire to have a large number of witnesses there to see his execution. " I had only wish that there be a large crowd of spectators there the day of my execution and that they greet me with cries of hate." (Camus 123) His audacity knows no bounds; moreover, he shows no recognition of the solemnity of human existence or the preservation of life.
             Mersault's attitudes toward death do not cease at his existentialist ideals and total lack of conscience. His religious beliefs, or lack there of, have much to do with the matter as well. In the Christian belief structure, God is the only one with the power to give or to take life. Mersault, having completely discounted the supernatural, focuses purely on what is in front of him that second, and does not have the time to pay his respects to a higher power. He does not believe in God and is quick to voice his opinion on the subject matter. His anti-religious attitude is so overpowering that the magistrate commented to Mersault, right before he left his office; "That's all for today Monsieur Antichrist." (Camus 71) Remarkably enough, Mersault took pleasure from this comment and was eager to hear it again. Allowing himself to be labeled as the Antichrist, he is able to justify his actions against God are perfectly acceptable. .
             In Crime and Punishment, Raskolnikov adopts a similar moral code. He is in every way shape and form, an existentialist superman. He positions himself in a post well above the rest of humanity, isolating himself in the same manner as Mersault.

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