"" (Lindberg) This prescription can be made by the client's social worker, doctor, psychologist, teacher, or even parents. These people have been subject to the client's world around him/her and know the actions that are "put out- by this person in reaction to this environment. Given this, the prescription is solely based on the client's personal habits and behavior, which can be focused on directly with the treatment.
"From the earliest periods of recorded history the influence of music on man and his emotions has been recognized."" (Shreve 1) Music was associated with the functioning and the social life of society. Through ritual, magic, ceremony, and public acts, music was used to treat diseases not yet known to man. During Christianity times, people who were mentally ill were said to be possessed by demons, which needed to be exorcised by torture and flogging. At this time, music was used to honor saints, and the common man practiced the curing of illnesses. Helen Shreve states that this " found the patient in the hands of frightened and misled people."" (233) The days of "beating out the sickness- are long forgotten. "Until World War II music in therapy continued to be used as a general treatment, a soporific, good for the soul, and morale builder. After (WWII), music began to be applied more specifically."" (Gaston 1).
In Music therapy, music is the primary therapeutic tool of use. "Music has an extraordinary power to reach the human organism on all levels-the mind, the body, and the soul; it has the power to heal - (Boxill 10) The music therapist uses music to establish a trusting relationship between himself/herself and the client. This further allows the therapist to improve the client's mental and physical functions using carefully structured activities. Bruscia devised a table that shows four basic types of musical experiences that a client will partake in:.
Improvising: having the client extemporaneously make up his/her own music while playing an instrument or singing;.