Cronus was the ruler of the universe during the Golden Age. He was one of the 12 Titans and was the youngest son of Uranus and Gaea. The first sons of Uranus and Gaea were the three Hecatonchires, which were the 100-handed and 50-headed monsters. Uranus had imprisoned them in a secret place. Gaea wanted to rescue them and went to her other children for help. Cronus was the only one who accepted the challenge. He attacked Uranus, with a sickle given by his mother, and castrated Uranus. Cronus then became the ruler of the universe.
Cronus's sister, named Rhea, was his queen. They were the parents of 12 gods and goddesses. Six of their 12 children were known as the Olympians. While Uranus was dying, he prophesized that one of Cronus" sons would overthrow Cronus. So in order to keep the prophecy from coming true, Cronus swallowed each of his first five children as soon as it was born. However, Rhea was unhappy with the loss of her children. So after having their sixth child, Zues, Rhea put a stone wrapped in clothes in the place of Zues. Cronus then swallowed the stone, which prevented Zues from being swallowed.
Zeus was hidden in Crete. When he grew up, his grandmother named Gaea gave him a herb which he could give his father Cronus. This herb would cause Cronus to vomit his children out, whom he previously swallowed. Zeus then went to the mountain named Orthri, where Cronus" thrown was, and gave his father the herb. Cronus then threw up all his children. First he threw up the rock, and then all the remaining five children.
Zeus and his five siblings fought against Cronus and the other Titans in "The War of the Titans," which lasted ten years. Zeus had help from Hecatonchires and the Cyclopes whom he freed from the prison where Cronus kept them. Cronus and the Titans were eventually defeated and kept in Tartarus, which was a cave in the deepest part of the underworld.