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            Domestic Violence is violence that occurs in households between families. This type of violence is not centered in one specific are either, it actually takes place everywhere. Many times, this violence will occur and no one would even suspect it coming from that family because of how well parents hide it. For example, sometimes parents will beat their children and the kids are too embarrassed to mention it to anyone in order to get help. The same thing goes for wives too. Many wives who are beaten do not want to tell anyone in fear of what their husbands might do to them. This is a problem that has been in society for many years. .
             Domestic violence is not something that has come up all of the sudden. It is a problem that has been around for years and years. Centuries ago, alcohol played a huge role in domestic violence. Many men would go out and get drunk, and when they came home, they would beat their wives in a drunken state. Also, a woman named Ruth S. was always beaten by her husband and she finally killed him in relief. For this action she was electrocuted. There was also a law called the rule of thumb many years ago. This stated that a man could beat his wife as long as the stick he hit her with was no wider that his thumb.
             There is also a controversy when it comes to domestic violence. In one movie, a boy is abused constantly by his mother all through his life. Then one day, he snapped and ended up killing his mother. It was a tough decision, he either could have kept up with the abuse all his life, or put an end to his mother, and he picked the option of killing his mother, which ended him up in jail. Rita C. was also constantly abused by her husband. She divorced him but he kept coming back to her still threatening her. She also ended up shooting him as well. The main controversies are exactly how much violence is too much, and is killing someone an act of revenge or self-defense.

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