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Symbolism of Summer in

He still spends his days in "the adolescent pursuit of childhood pleasures" (317). These pleasures include many of the summer activities that most young people enjoy: tennis, golf, baseball, star gazing, canoeing, enjoying iced tea, etc. (317). Homer lives the life of a young person yet something within him is changing. Just as summer is developing into autumn, Homer is also maturing. This is evident when the reader is told what Homer is thinking as he watches Sandra reading through his window. His mind is filled with confused thoughts. He wonders why he is having these feelings and what they mean. Perhaps he also wonders if he should act upon them.
             Although Homer's thoughts are becoming more like those of an adult's, he still possesses the innocence of childhood. When Homer has the opportunity to kiss Sandra, he finds that he cannot do it. Updike states that Sandra "received his veiled attentions with a kind of amused curiosity, as if smiling back on innocence" (320). Although Homer is mature enough to recognize the feelings he has for Sandra, he is not yet mature enough to act upon them.
             A time of change occurs at the very end of the story. It is the close of summer, the night before the family leaves the lake. While Homer and Sandra are sitting on the .
             couch, the dog jumps up, causing Sandra's foot to touch Homer's back. When Homer touches her foot in return, he reaches a turning point in his life. He is finally able to act upon his feelings for Sandra. His struggle with adolescent insecurities is over, just as summer has come to an end.
             Alice Walker also uses summertime to symbolize the childhood of Myop, the protagonist of "The Flowers". The story begins with Myop taking a walk to pick flowers on a beautiful summer day. Myop is ten years old and "nothing existed for her but her song, the stick clutched in her dark brown hand, and the tat-de-ta-ta-ta of accompaniment" (Walker 73).

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