Ask yourself which you would choose, early or prolonged death. Undoubtedly, euthanasia can be gruesome and downright immoral if not managed with extreme responsibility, but groups in support of euthanasia still support terminally ill patient's option to die with dignity and respect. Euthanasia can be administered with positive effects as long as certain situational factors are always considered. These factors include: the type of assistance, the type of assistant, the type of illness being dealt with, and the age of the patient. Furthermore, euthanasia or assisted suicide should only be a last ditch effort after optimal palliative care has been administered. .
A living will, the family's choice, and the doctor's choice should be allowed if the patient is unable to communicate, but the patient's condition should be one of "unbearable suffering" that cannot be relieved. A terminal illness such as cancer or multiple sclerosis in its final stages are examples of what might be a patient's unbearable pain. When a patient is enduring such pain, she or he must freely request to die. When a patient does ask, the doctor should not proceed without consulting another independent physician. Then each case must be reported as an "unnatural death" to local officials. In addition, the patient should also have to provide proof beyond reasonable doubt that he or she would have made this decision in a stable psychological state. Recently the so called "A Living Will" has been suggested as a means whereby a patient executes a written document, duly witnessed, that his consent to further medical care shall be deemed revoked when his physician determines that his medical condition has so deteriorated as to be no longer consistent with a dignified existence wherein the physician can manage the patient's pain or otherwise improve his living conditions without reducing him to a "vegetable." Yet sometimes a patient isn't able to communicate, so the family members are sometimes forced to consider the use of the "Lethal Injection" do to financial reasons.