e. society needed to naturally evolve along a set pattern of progression: from feudalism to capitalism to socialism to communism; one stage needed to be completed before the next was possible" (marxism encyclopedia internet).
The stagist theory, according to Marx, is that communism would occur naturally in a historical process. He believed that society comprised of two classes the exploiting being the capitalists and the exploited the proletariat. Marx viewed the historical process entering its critical stage during capitalism and its pinacle of achievement during industrialisation. Industry would gradually be owned by fewer hands causing the capitalists to exploit their urban workers. The discontented workers would grow in numbers and form opposing political organisations theoretically overthrowing capitalism and causing a revolution. Marx believed this process as being "Socialism" merley preparation for the utopian system communism. .
The bolsheviks revolution in october was really the "actual" socialist revolution according to lenins. The february revolution basically set the ball rolling for the transformation towards socialism, february was at the stage of capitalism and was thought to be more of a bourgeoisie, the middle class in Marx context, rather than a proletariat revolution. Lenin expressed in april thesis about the february revolution being only transitional, lenins view was that:.
"The country is passing from the first stage of the revoltuion - that, owing to the insufficient class-consious and organization of the proletariat, placed power in the hands of the boureoisie - to its second stage that must place power in the hands of the proletariat and poorest sections of the peasants." Book from main library.
Marx's theories to creating a better world was inviting particularly to the peasantry proletariat and the Bolsheviks. Therefore it would be right in allowing recognition of Marxism adequately explaining the Bolsheviks revolution, however in a conceptual or idealist form.