Money because this is a non-profit theater and the actors and actresses has to be paid somehow to make a living. Religion also operated in this world because it was an organized religion of Jews and Catholics who corporate with the church leaders and businesses vs. the forces of the Medieval church. The nature of the characters was Caucasians and they behaved according to the scripts of the play. While the two actresses were leading the crowd pass the crucifixion they were dressed in that time period clothing but expressed that "they couldn't imagine living in that time frame." .
This production is generalized, because two women who are dressed in suggestive uniforms play as Roman Men. This film is more focused on the naturalistic and so precise on the recreation of the world itself. The theater is more realistic it suggests one thing you, as an audience. .
The constructed reality of the play is recognizable if you are familiar with the ideas of Christ. The film is alluring because Montreal, Canada is a beautiful place and a great place to visit. However, the play is not alluring and is forbidding because the Roman Empire captured its slaves and left the streets filled with rotting corpses and people being left to die. .
The concept of this play was high concept, but not realistic for women to act in plays. Everyone at the end mostly felt passion for the friends of Daniel (Jesus) who tragically died due to injuries at the end of the play. This play was about how Jesus Christ was crucified and eventually resurrected from the dead. This play is viable, and is successfully realized to the actor - audience relationship and the producer - play relationship. The casting choices were woman and men who occasionally used doubling where characters play more than one part. The women even played men soldiers. Throughout the play people frequently stopped and spoke directly to the audience.