They gave me a couple of people to call them and set up an interview with them. I then went home and began to contemplate the questions that I was going to ask the social workers. Here are the questions that I came up with:.
1. What is your name?.
2. Are you married?.
3. Do you have children of your own?.
4. Where do you live?.
5. What is your exact job title?.
6. Do you have a BSW degree, MSW degree, DSW degree, CSW degree, or an ACSW degree?.
7. Where did you go to college?.
8. Where did you go to graduate school?.
9. Where did you do your internship?.
10. What made you want to become a social worker?.
11. What are your responsibilities here?.
12. How do you interact with the students?.
13. What services do you offer to the students?.
14. Have you ever had any bad situations happen to you while you have been a social worker?.
15. What type of counseling do you offer to your students?.
16. Has the way you work changed since September 11, 2001?.
17. Do you have a lot of students who have lost someone in the September 11, 2001 tragedy?.
18. Do you have a certain set of hours when the students can come and speak to you or do you have an "open door policy"?.
19. Is there ever a time where you feel that you cannot handle the situations brought to you by the students?.
20. Do you have to deal with the student's family much if at all?.
21. What is the most difficult situation that you were involved in?.
22. Have you ever thought of changing your career after being in a difficult situation with a student? .
23. Do you have any special activities or clubs for students in which they can share their thoughts or feelings on a subject, for example: September 11, 2001?.
24. Have you ever thought of working as a social worker in another place, like a hospital, clinic, psychiatric center, etc or do you like being a social worker in a school better?.
25. Are the students that you interact with every day difficult to work with?.
26. Have you ever had to take a student out of their home for any reason at all?.