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Kurdish Conflict

            Before World War I, traditional Kurdish life was nomadic, revolving around sheep and goat herding throughout the Mesopotamian plains and highlands of Turkey and Iran. Today, the Kurds still do not have a place where to live comfortably, and as time passes by and nobody does anything the Kurds will get tired and a revolution could happen. It is very important that the Middle East countries such as Iraq, Iran, Syria, and Turkey arrive to an agreement, so that the Kurds are respected and honored not as an ethnic group but as human beings. But that does not give them the right to kill innocent people and becoming terrorists instead of trying to arrive to a solution as reasonable people.
             The PKK has been the strongest Kurdish revolutionary organization for several years. With their cultural identity under oppression and the lack of prominent Kurdish figures to advance their cause, many Kurds had invested their hope in Ocalan who was convicted of treason and separatism, and sentenced to death. He was accused of leading a 15-year war that has left more than 35,000 people death. Therefore, I am against them. That is not a way or a solution to their problems. Killing innocent people will not take them to any possible solution. Instead, things will get worse and it will be harder to reach to a reasonable solution. More than 35,000 people have died in the Kurdish conflict since the PKK turned to terrorism in 1984. No matter the harsh treatment that the Kurds have received , nobody has the right to kill, so in opinion, terrorists should be stopped for everybody's safety.
             Violence stretches over the entire social life of the country like a net. The government and official spokesman continue to blame the PKK- the so-called "handful of terrorists"- for the miserable situation. But the main responsibility of the present misery and all the suffering that has been reached today is the result of a wrong-headed policy that has been implemented for seventy years.

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