Rome was now divided between Marc Anthony, who controlled the eastern portion, and Octavian, who controlled the west. [Scarre, 17] For a few years there existed a truce between them. During that time, Anthony paid attention to his romance with Cleopatra, while Octavian improved his position. [Boardman,123] War broke out between the two men in 32 B.C., and ended with Octavian's army defeating Anthony in the great naval battle at Actium. Within one year of the battle, Anthony had heard that Cleopatra had killed herself and without thinking, he killed himself to be with her. Octavian now stood alone, one ruler who now controlled all of Rome and Egypt. [Scarre, 18].
Octavian now was ruler of Rome. Since he was Julius Caesar's adopted son, the senate changed his name from Octavian to Augustus Caesar. [Zoch, 228] From this point on, Pax Romana had begun. Pax Romana is Latin for Rome in peace. Peace was finally restored in Rome. Augustus was the first emperor of Rome. The first thing Augustus did to restore peace was present to Rome a new constitution. There were still several civil wars but much less than before. He had many military operations continuing in many frontier areas. [Boardman, 129] He continued to end the life of any counselor or senator who was against his control. This gained power had raised Augustus to a new level. Augustus had listened to the poor people and had supported them. In 17 B.C. there were glorious celebrations of ancient ritual. This was known as the Secular Games, to filter the Roman people of their past sins and provide full religious initiation of the new age. [Zoch, 233].
Augustus was an extraordinarily able administrator and played a major role in building up a capable civil service. He revised the tax structure and financial system of the Roman state; he reorganized the Roman Army; and he established a permanent navy. He also organized a personal bodyguard, the Praetorian Guard, which in future centuries was to play a great role in selecting and deposing emperors.