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Disability Discrimination

Providing a separate, .
             segregated service (Johnson 35). Taking away the basic rights of a disabled person because they are not like us. Disability discrimination is also making decisions that affect an employee based on the .
             assumption of a disability they may have. Anyone who has a physical, mental, neurological, learning or intellectual impairment may be .
             identified as having a disability and if they are denied a job or service because of it they have been discriminated against. .
             Examples of disability discrimination. .
             A person is blind and has a guide dog but is refused access to a public bar. This is against the law; people cannot be refused access because of having a guide dog even if no dogs are allowed. A person takes leave from their job because of a mental illness, once the person returned their job was changed to limit contact with the public. A person is fired because he/she developed diabetes. A person denied access to a public library because of speech impairment. A person is refused rental accommodations or airline because he/she uses a wheelchair. A person cannot use a regular telephone because of .
             hearing problems and not provided with one for hearing impaired. A blind person is denied admission to college. Most of these are taken .
             for granted because we"re not disabled and don"t think about how others are treated. We all should know that disability discrimination .
             takes place everyday, and most people guilty of this are unaware that they have violated the law. .
             Laws and Federal Regulations. .
             There are laws to protect people from disability discrimination. Many states enacted laws protecting the disabled. Most of the laws varied from state to state and were not enforced on many occasions. .
             There was a need for the federal government to develop laws and regulation to protect the disabled. Public Law 101-336. Text of the Americans with Disabilities Act, Public Law 336 of the 101st Congress, enacted July 26, 1990.

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