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There is currently no strictly communistic country in the world that is a world power. As Americans, when we think of Communism it brings thoughts of Hitler and Stalin, two men who are despised by our culture. The average citizen will ask why would anyone want to work hard and not be rewarded monetarily over those who less productive? Americans want to be given the money they earn and not support those who are lazy. Those in opposition of Communism say that America is a world leader in many statistics. Isn't that evidence democracy is the best form of government?.
             Since countries first formed, they have made a system to govern and keep track of their economic and social situation. While many governments have evolved there has been none more worldly applicable than Communism. All over the news you will read of the large numbers of homeless and impoverished Americans. These citizens have no place to live, no money, no food, no jobs, and no medical care. And this is what Americans like to have in their country? Currently in America we are dealing with the Enron scandal. Some corrupt CEO's decided to make themselves some more money with disregard for its common low level employees. With Communism, all businesses and land are controlled by the government. Therefore all money made by an individual goes straight to the government. From there they distribute it first to the ill and then evenly to the remaining public. This way no one is ever homeless or lacking any necessity to live a happy life. The capitalist form of government leaves thousands homeless and left to die without any medical care. Those are the type of government morals that are abolished with the concept of Communism. While there is no current Communistic country that is a world power, there is also no country in the world that uses pure Communism. In the past, countries such as Germany and the U.S.S.R. used pieces of Communism but not in its true form.

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