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Sentencing in northern ireland

             v An offender analysis section. This provides a picture of the offender's general life situation with information on their domestic situation, employment or educational situation, drug or alcohol problems, family background and any other relevant information that may help to explain why the offender committed the offence or that may show mitigating circumstances.
             v A risk assessment section. This details how likely the offender may be to re-offend, the possible danger they may pose to the public or themselves. In the past the probation service had gained a reputation for being anti-custody. Therefore the government has introduced a tool to clinically construct a risk assessment. This is known as an offender assessment system [OASYs] and every probation officer compiling a report must use this. .
             v A conclusion/evaluation. This section deals with the offender's current attitude and willingness to reform. Importantly it details appropriate sentencing proposals and explains how these sentencing proposals would protect the public and stop re-offending. For example an unrepentant offender who poses a danger to the public would most likely have a custodial sentence recommended at this stage, whereas a community penalty may be recommended for a repentant offender who poses little danger of re-offending and no danger to the public. [Padfield 2000].
             Sentencing options.
             The range of offences brought before a Magistrates Court, and their severity, mean that a wide range of sentencing disposals must be at hand to ensure the most apt sentence can be given according to the crime, the offender and the relevant circumstances. As such there are a wide range of sentencing options available. Below is a short synopsis of what the main sentencing options available in this case would entail:.
             Absolute discharge: This is a finding of guilt without punishment.
             Conditional discharge: This sentence is essentially an official "telling off- and largely a rehabilitative sentence; the implication is that the offender will not be shown such leniency should they be before the court again.

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