Serfs had a right to work certain lands and to pass this right along to their heirs, so long as they observed their obligations the landlords. These obligations usually included both services and payment of rent in kind. The establishing of serf class encouraged development of manors - big economically self-sufficient estates. The lord of the manor and his deputies provided government, administration, police service, and justice. These manors consisted of fields, meadows, forests, domestic animals, and served as base for new agricultural techniques and experiments. This included introduction of new crops with different cycles of crop rotation to yield year-around harvests, artificial ponds for farming fish. Introduction of horseshoe and the horse collar sharply increased amount of land that cultivators could work. According to Reilly manorialism became another term to describe medieval European civilization. At that time manors were the center of life in the countryside. .
Medieval feudalism with its intensive agricultural development brought economic recovery for Europe: with rich supply of food society became able to support large number of urban residents, and military powers were able to protect them. Peasants and serfs were moving into established cities and also were founding new towns. Revival of urban society resulted in dramatic expansion of manufacturing and trade both within Europe and with Byzantine and Muslim partners in the eastern Mediterranean, and later a commerce grew up in the northern seas, and a number of crusades, though failed as military ventures, helped to reintegrate Western Europe into global economy.
2. Islam originated in the Arabian Peninsula in 622 A.D. According to Islamic tradition, God (Allah) conveyed to Muhammad, a tradesman, a series of revelations which were to form the basis of the new faith. The body of revelation which Allah delivered to Muhammad though the Angel Gabriel is contained in The Koran, the holy book of Islam.