The females on the other hand, as expected, have much harder time of finding the most elegant, most comfortable dress, shoes, earrings, necklace and bracelet to appear as the trophy they are to their date. This adventure often requires trips to multiple malls, the big city, finding the right undergarments, the most stable shoes. Why get so dressed up? Why be so uncomfortable? Why look like a penguin for five hours? Why not go alone? It is this odd ritual of beauty, high society and romance that we try to squeeze into one night of socializing. If you look beautiful and paired up, you will supposedly enjoy the rest of the night. Why it might seem trite and ridiculous to some, prom is the one night when teenagers get to dress and act like adults. Finding their own date, hiring a DJ, wearing your mother's pearls, is chance for teenagers to be an individual and take care of their business.
Once you have your date and outfit is time for the rituals of the night itself. It is typical for on the day of the prom, the female go and get their hair, nails and makeup done. It is ritual for the nails to match the dress and the hair to be in an excessively large and high updo, or a mountain or curling iron produced curls. Once both sides of the date are fully adorned in costume, the parents take excessive numbers of photographs to show the extended family members. Once pictures are finished an extended vehicle shows up to provide a formal transportation to the event. The vehicle is close to forty feet long with a plush interior. Rather than eating a quick meal at home, dinner plans are made for a relatively nice restaurant. The meal is usually uncomfortable, expensive and one of the courses is spilled on a dress or suit. Sometimes a large group attends the formal dinner. The boys open doors, pull out chairs and silverware is properly used. Before the meal is attended, it is ritual for the male to present the female with a sign of affection and respect with a small floral assortment place around their wrists, called a corsage.