his academic and extra-curricular achievements, and he was never objected.
by anyone. As soon as he came to the island, everything changed for him.
because every person in Ralph's tribe was equal. He soon learned how to.
become accustomed into persuading people into what he believed. For.
example: when Jack let the fire go out on the mountain, he quickly made.
Ralph look like the bad guy -pg 69-72. These skills were clearly a huge.
development on Jack's behalf because he used them to get people to do his.
devious biddings including, the raids, the tortures, killing Piggy and.
Ralph. Finally, Jack grew in his mental adaptation abilities. At the.
beginning of the book, Jack had stumbled upon a piglet that was trapped in.
some weeds. Jack had a knife and was ready to use it, but he could not.
bring himself to do it (pg. 31). Soon after, Jack had finally managed to.
kill a pig, but every time he thought about the hunt, he quivered a slight.
bit "He noticed blood on his hands and he grimaced distastefully "I cut.
the pig's throat," said Jack, proudly, and yet twitched as he said it, "(pg.
69). As time went on, Jack found slaughtering pigs easier and easier. This.
was a big development to Jack's evil side. Since he adapted to violence, he.
became merciless when it came down to the others in the camp, he kept them.
all in line, and made significant gains by force. All of these mental.
improvements in Jack, namely tactical, social, and adaptive improvements,.
contributed to his evil barbarity.
As well as the mentally aspects that contributed to his evil ways, Jacks.
physical aspects molded him to barbarity. One physical aspect that changed.
him was the face paint he wore. When Jack wore the paints and mask, he.
became an almost devil-like being. ""They"ll be painted! You know how it.
is." They understood only too well the liberation into savagery that the.
concealing paint brought." (Pg. 157). People get into the role or the.
character their costume shows, and sometimes people get caught up in the.