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In the small district of Chidobe, people wait patiently for the food aid truck to arrive, and give them the food they need to survive. This food that is being delivered to this district is the only food source available for the people who inhabit this region. They rely on the food trucks coming at the scheduled time, and the right amount of food to be present in order to feed the masses. Gathered around are hundreds of other men and women from across the district. They have trekked many miles to reach the Chidobe primary school, where they will receive their monthly ration of relief food (www.worldhunger.org). .
             "What can I do? There is no food, no work. Nothing!- she said. "Even with this maize my family will be hungry. Without it, we would die."" This quote from Maggie Khumato, who lives in the nearby village of Chidobe (Zimbabwe), expresses how she feels with the situations being presented to her from her current situation of hunger. She doesn't have enough food to go around to feed her eight children and her sick husband (www.worldhunger.org). This is just one example of the many millions of people who are suffering from many different type of hunger sickness.
             In southern Africa, seasonal hunger occurs annually before each harvest, when the food from the last harvest runs out. Until the new crop comes in, people may be hungry for weeks or even months at a time. As a result of this seasonal hunger, people often enter a harvest season too weak to cope with its heavy physical-work demand. Many other types of hunger are very prevalent, and they all contribute the vast amounts of death recorded each year.
             Another type of hunger is known as Malabsorptive hunger. This condition often occurs along with under nutrition and malnutrition. Malabsorptive hunger means that the body is incapable of absorbing nutrients from the food that has been eaten. This type of hunger is often due to parasites in the intestinal tract of to severe protein deficiency.

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