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             My life changed this September, I moved to the USA. Just when I thought I had a grip of my life; apartment, work, social life, the 21st of January arrived and spring semester started. All the so-called balance I have achieved had to change; my weekly rituals were no longer weekly - but daily. .
             Constant change, flexibility of the brain, is an essential requirement to cope with college life.
             I still work every day from nine to five, after an hour on the bus I get home and cook some dinner, organize the house, and give some attention to my boyfriend.
             Weekends I work at a bar in Bucktown. .
             My highlight of the week happens Monday evening; I go to yoga class. This activity fills me with energy in calm mind, which allows my to concentrate in my work. .
             College life took the toll of my social life, I love going out to clubs, bars, and lounges. Chicago offers a huge variety of activities to nightlife lovers. However since I started school I cannot attend as many events as I used to. I can't afford to sleep the next day and recuperate from drinking alcohol, as I would like to. .
             I need my alertness and brain functioning as best as can be, in order to write essays and the rest of my homework.
             Financially I have a big burden since I started attending college, I reduced the shifts bartending over the weekend, and the college expenses are high.
             I must be aware from unnecessary expenses and save my penny. .
             Not only my life changed since I started college, my boyfriend's life had to change as well. At school nights, he must turn the TV off at midnight, when I have a paper to write he needs to vanish from my sight or else it can be dangerous (I tend to be edgy). He participates in the house chores as needed - and it's needed a lot! .
             Yoga is about physical strength and flexibility. The philosophy talks about the body-mind connection. My teacher tried to demonstrate this theory by positioning the class in a pose named "the tree".

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