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My Addiction

             Whether it's apparent or not, everyone has an addiction. Some people might wear only one brand of clothing, while others cannot go a day without watching the television. I, for one, am addicted to music. While some might favor one or two bands or artists over the others, I am obsessed with all of them. Music holds such an important place in my life. It is a way to escape, a window of opportunity for me to leave this reality behind and travel to a world full of melody and harmony. Music is thought-provoking as well. Something happens every time I listen to music, and I become inspired. It also has a way of bringing all types of people together in a way nothing else can. At times, I am overwhelmed by the power music can possess. I love music, and I cannot live without it.
             Music is my personal therapy. Getting away from the reality of today is as quick and easy as pushing the play button on my CD player. Listening to the notes and beats of one song, or the lyrics of another takes my mind and imagination to a place with perfect staccato rhythms, where everything is the way it is made to be. Whatever emotions I am feeling, music helps to intensify them. If ever I am angry or upset, listening to music that is aggressive and loud helps me to let out my frustrations, and listening to something quiet and mellow then helps me to calm down. Putting in a CD that is energetic and spirited makes me excited and happy. Anytime I need the atmosphere around me to complement my mood, simply browsing through my collection of CDs will do just that. Thus, music becomes therapeutic in a sense.
             Also, music is thought-provoking. I cannot think of a time when my thought process has been so blocked that music could not help me work through it. The power music has to stimulate my imagination never ceases to amaze me. I become inspired every time I listen to music, no matter what it is I am working on at the time.

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