" This article goes on to the ideology that exists in America, or that could be thought to exist, because of the morals, values, and situations that are shown on many American television programs. This ideology that exists is what American children are growing up seeing and are starting to hold as a "truth" about society. .
Another study took place where two groups of children watched a film one group watching a violent film, the other a nonviolent film. Afterwards, they were put into a situation where the children were to watch several kids, and if something happened, were instructed to get an adult. When a conflict occurred, those kids watching the nonviolent film responded faster in getting an adult than those kids who watched the violent film. Henceforth drawing the conclusion that watching violent shows causes one to become immune to violence. .
" Children in the United States are exposed to numerous violent scenes through television because they view a lot of television and because violent acts are portrayed frequently on television. This results in both negative behavioral and social consequences.".
Another article found in the "Journal of Psychology entitled Children's Attitudes towards Violence on Television," had to do with much of the same subject as the previous article. The author was writing about an experiment that was performed where children attending a local school were given a 47-item questionnaire. .
The answers to the questionnaires were compiled and concluded that there are many factors that exist within a child's life which will work together to build the personality of that child as he or she grows. The conclusion stated, "It seems likely that any relationship that may exist between watching of television violence and perpetration of actual violence is likely to be a complex one and a number of contributing factors must be considered Children who spend more time watching television, especially violent programs, are also more likely to show later aggression, restlessness, and belief in a "scary world.