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Snow falling on cedars

Ishmael had had a secret affair with Hatsue when they were younger which was ended abruptly by Hatsue. Although Ishmael faces an internal struggle with his feelings, he finds he cannot withhold the evidence he uncovers that proves Kabuo innocent, however greatly he desires revenge on Hatsue for breaking his heart. At the last minute in the trial, Ishamel reveals his findings. The charges against Kabuo are dropped and he is freed and reunited with his family. .
             Snow Falling on Cedars is written in a third person point of view. The narrator alternates between a straightforward narration of events and narration from within the minds of several characters. In this way, Guterson creates complex relationships between characters without favoring a specific side of the story. His use of descriptive language provides our minds" eye with vivid images that help set the melancholy tone of the novel. His descriptions of the cedar trees that ring the island and the snow which falls during the trial are particularly effective: ".a snow so ethereal it could hardly be said to have settled at all; instead it swirled like some icy fog, like the breath of ghosts, up and down Amity Harbor's streets - powdery dust devils, frosted puffs of ivory cloud, spiraling tendrils of white smoke.".
             Guterson tries to question whether Kabuo is on trial not because of the crime he is believed to have committed but because of his race. This obvious emphasis on the burden of prejudice is the most obvious theme in the novel. The majority of white citizens in San Piedro treat the Japanese islanders as dishonest second class workers. For example, Etta, Carl Sr."s wife, believed wholeheartedly that selling some of their land to the Miyamoto family was a bad idea. As she said to Carl, ". go ahead and sell our property to a Jap and see what comes of it." .
             However, the racial prejudices works both ways. The Japanese consider themselves superior and also harbor disdain for the white islanders.

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