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I Search

Most importantly I want to know what part of my personality matches what area of the computer science field. It will be an interesting way to see if I am interested in that area. There are a lot of things that I want to know but just haven't realized what they are yet. I"m sure new questions will arise once I start researching. Once I answer a question a new one will most likely arise.
             Part Three.
             I began my search with the largest informational database in the world, the internet. I used the school's article search engines and pulled out several first hand accounts of people in each field. .
             The first website that I tried was EBSCOHost, which I was told about by the librarian during one of the days in the library. I began by putting in the word "networking", but it was too broad and I ended up with too many product reviews and "personal networking" seminars. I refined my search to "network administrator" and that did it. I found a very good article published by the ComputerWorld in which several aspects of many different computer oriented jobs are discussed. I liked this article very much because it had suggestions regarding what you need to do in order to become a network administrator. That was about the only useful article on EBSCOHost, so I decided to go talk to one of my professors: Brian Ives. I asked him several questions about network administration vs. programming. Brian was a network administrator for the Rochester Institute of Technology for a couple of years and was also a programmer for the stock firm Merrill Lynch. He proved to be a very good source of a lot of information. The most important thing he told me about was his overall experience in both fields. He then gave me about the phone number of some his IT friends.
             I called the IT people he recommended several times, but either they would not return my phone calls or were too busy to talk to me for an extended amount of time.

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