Common Dallas-onians are not allowed to leave their imprint on the urban space. It is only in so-called "developing nations- that normal people can build their own dwelling spaces in an urban environment, such as in shanty towns and the like. This part about dwelling is fascinating yet it is bit unclear how dwelling relates to water and forgetfulness. .
The philosopher Plato's idea was that a city is more than just structures; it is a place where even once all buildings have been destroyed, its people will still call it by name. It is not until the "soul- of a city has been erased that the city ceases to exist, such as is done to Troy when Hector's body is dragged around it three times to "clean- the spot. (p. 18) The "soul- of a city is what allows inhabitants to feel a sense of belonging and home about their place.
Illich talks about the bulldozed space in shanty towns to describe the modern application of this point. In shanty towns, inhabitants start to erect new dwelling spaces just hours after their houses have been bulldozed to the ground. Overnight, the place is again filled with dwellings, made up of poles, mats and infants. Examples like this, which include towns like Jericho, Jerusalem, and Rio de Janeiro, survive both the metaphorical and the literal bulldozer, demonstrating what dwellings are and used to be. However, cities now often bulldoze and then pave over urban shanty dwellings, drastically decreasing the dwell-ability of urban spaces. Once an area is paved and "housing- is put up, squatters are forced to move and "acquire costly space in which they cannot dwell- or find a new space to squat in. (p. 19).
The discussion of human relationships with water is introduced through references to the Book of Genesis and Greek mythology. In Genesis, water was associated with the dual characteristics of purity and cleanliness. In Greek mythology, the god Mnemosyne was the god of wellspring and remembrance, and she possessed sacred waters.