taking it, which made it a threat to public health [GHB (gamma-hydroxybutyrate), 4].
While GHB was used exclusively in the medical field, it soon digressed into a substance.
that was used for less legitimate purposes.
GHB eventually became a bodybuilding supplement that was illegal to use. The.
supplement gamma-butyrolactone (GBL), however was legal and marketed by various.
companies. The FDA stated that GBL has been linked to over 55 health side effects.
including one death and 19 others unconscious. GBL is marketed over the internet and in.
health food stores and is known to be fat burner, sleep aid and even an aphrodisiac. GBL.
itself is not harmful to the body which is the reason why it is legal but once consumed.
and metabolized by the body GHB, which is illegal, is formed and becomes especially.
dangerous if taken with alcohol or any other drugs (FDA Takes Action Against Body.
Building Substances, 1). This drug which used as a bodybuilding supplement is also.
commonly ingested for recreational use. GHB has expanded its poisonous arms from.
medicine to the gym and now into the lives of many teens by becoming more and more.
prevalent at parties and on the club scene placing it into the category of a "Club Drug", a.
category of drugs which include: MDMA, Ketamine, GBL, Rophynol, LSD, PCP,.
methamphetamines and even psilocybin. The increased interest in GHB is due to its lack.
of public knowledge about the drug. From 1994 to 2000 number of emergency room.
patients with GHB in their system per year has increased from below fifty to just under.
five-thousand (DEA Resources, 1). It is usually taken in a liquid form but also can be in.
the form of a powder. Street names for this drug include: Liquid Ecstasy, Scoop, Easy.
Lay, Georgia Home Boy, Grievous Bodily Harm, Goop and a variety others. Sold by the.
capful, usually by local "prospective" chemists, GHB is sold for five all the way up to .
Costello, 3.
around to twenty-five dollars a capful.