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             The name "quark- was suggested by Murray Gell-man, who took it from James Joyce's novel Finnegan's Wake, in which there is the phrase: "three quarks for Muster Mark."" .
             They realised that for their theory to be correct, these particles would need to have fractional charges and baryon numbers.
             They proposed that there were, in fact, six different types of quark, in three different pairs. They are, in order of increasing mass: Up & Down, Strange & Charmed, and Beauty (Bottom) & Top (Truth). .
             Each quark has since been discovered through experimental procedure, with the largest quark, Top, being discovered most recently, in 1995. .
             The experiments are producing new predicted particles as the energy of particle accelerators increases. There is currently no possible combination of quarks that does not create a known meson or baryon.
             Quarks can be either positively or negatively charged. However, there are only two possible charges that a quark can possess. It can either have a charge of +2/3 or .
             -1/3. .
             The size of a quark is unknown, and has never been determined. Some believe that it is possible that a quark is truly a singular point in space (ie. it has no size), whereas other believe that the size of a quark will become measurable as experimental procedures and equipment improve. Quarks are currently observed by their collisions and interactions with each other and other particles.
             Because neutrons and protons are baryons, which have three quarks, a proton must possess two positive quarks and one negative, and a neutron must possess two negative quarks and one positive quark. Each of the quarks in these particles are different colours: one red, one green, and one blue. These quarks are bound to each other by gluons, which are also particles.
             To date, no quark has ever been found by itself. This may be due to one of their more unusual properties, which shows that the further apart quarks are from each other, the stronger their force of attraction towards each other.

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