quota, must hire the minority. Which is for the better, because, in that sense, were are slowly but surely .
making some advancements in solving the problem of racial inequality in America's workplace. .
Affirmative action is also very influential in the educational system. Minority students who before .
never had a chance in being accepted into a decent college, are now being accepted. They are given the .
chance to prove that, with the help of affirmative action, they could, in turn, get more education and end up .
with a decent job after graduating. All hopes are to end racism in school campuses, to have diversity .
between students. The constitution says that we the people of the United States of America are all created .
equal. Therefore, since that we are all equal, shouldn't we all have the same opportunity as everyone else. .
Equal opportunity is achieved when people of lower standards in life are given chances to succeed in life. .
To start to achieve a better life, one must have proper education, because education is the key to our future. .
Therefore, though education, minorities must be given the chance to get a good start at securing their .
future. .
Critics of affirmative action argue that this quota is unfair. White males are being forced to pay a .
price that their ancestors have done wrong in the past. Knowingly that it was a long time ago, and that now, .
it is a dawn of a new era. White males should not be given this burden of something that their ancestors .
have done. While the minorities enjoy the benefits such as jobs and education. Especially, .
to give favor to males or to females, to whites, to blacks or to persons of any .
color because of their sex or color is morally wrong because doing so is intrinsically unfair. Color, .
nationality, sex are not attributes that entitle anyone to more (or less) of the good thing of life, or to any .
special favor (or disfavor). When in the past whites or males did receive such preference that was deeply .