There were many aspects of daily life for Europeans and European Americans in .
A lot has changed since then, but the importance of the life-style still stands .
today. Each or mostly all the different colonies had different "main crops." The economy .
was based on trade then, and it still is now.
Everybody in each household did something different. Only men could attain .
jobs, women were suppose to work in the homes for their families. During this time, .
working was a must. In every household, everyone had a job to do. If the father was at .
home, the men and the boys would work outside or in the fields. And for the women, the .
mothers and the daughters worked inside the homes.
During that time, there were lots of jobs that anyone could have. Some of these .
jobs were Apothicay - which made, sold, and traded drugs. The Blacksmith - which .
practiced the making of tools, wagon hardware, nails, etc. Basketmakers - which made .
white-oak baskets. Brickmakers - which made bricks out of sandy clay, and .
cabinetmakers - which made furniture and harpsichords, while the carpeter made shingle .
floorboards and rafters. And last but not least, the Gunsmiths - which fashioned silver, .
iron, wood, steal, and brass to produced functional firearms. The townspeople depended .
mostly on the miller who grinded grain. Since bread was a large part of their diet, the .
miller was often an important person. The millener was the merchant of fashionable .
household goods and accessories. Anyone who was interested could see the latest fabrics, .
dresses, and linens at the milliners place. Saddlers made saddles and harnesses that were .
always in great demand. Printers and binders printed copies of newspapers, books and .
gayettes (early magazines). As you can see there were many options available for the .
working man.
During the day, along with working, the children also got their education. They .
either got their education at home, or they went to a village school.