This is, of course, not true for all the protestant denominations, but for the most part, they are nowhere near as vocal as the Catholics. There are now several factions in the Pro-Life side, and many are violent. The majority, however, are non-violent, and in no way do they condone violence. They in fact are completely against any violence and want a peaceful, responsible solution. The arguments and debates are as varied as the debaters, and in today's society, there is no right or wrong answer.
Certainly, anti-abortionists should band together and take a stand for what.
they believe in. However, this stand should not consist of any type of.
violence. Pro-Life supporters have separated themselves into smaller.
groups. Some of these anti-abortion groups have resorted to the use of.
violence to get their message across. The increase of violent attacks on.
abortion clinics is being lead by members of the Religious Right. Followers.
of these violent Pro-Life groups are encouraged to use any means necessary.
to stop abortion. These violent attacks include actions ranging from.
harassment to the taking up arms. Furthermore, the Religious Right is willing.
to kill others in order to stop the baby killing. The violence affects.
not only women, but also the doctors and clinic workers as well. Many anti-abortionists groups justify their violent actions by explaining that they must obey God's laws, rather than man's For instance, John Whitehead, a co-founder of the Rutherford instituted, explains in his book The Second American Revolution that any law which contradicts the Bible must be disobeyed. Likewise, Pro-Life groups.
use Bible verses in an attempt to prove that abortion is against God's will. .
Some members of the violent Pro-Life groups who have been arrested simply.
explain that they were defending the lives of unborn babies. They also.
continue to declare that the real violence was not their own violent acts,.