The citizens of the U.S. and our government officials can blame the violence and drugs in our country on the music to which we listen, but this blame is blown way out of proportion. The affiliation with "bad" music is a choice in any person's life, and it may persuade them to think about making bad decisions. The Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) takes an uncompromising stand against censorship and for the First Amendment rights of all artists to create freely. The RIAA works to halt the unconstitutional action of our federal government against the people who make the music of our generation. In retrospect, the music is not geared to influence teenagers or young adults to commit violent acts; it conveys the expression(s) of how the artist wants to reveal his/her character through their lyrics. Additionally, I believe that there are many appalling artists out in the world of music, and there have been many mishaps in the lives they pursue. 50 Cent, a newcomer in the rap industry, grew up as a drug addict and promotes negative issues in his lyrics. In regards to the terrible artists and their derogatory music, people have to take the initiative of making good choices and follow the right path in life if they want to succeed.
In the wake of numerous school shootings throughout our country, the federal government is looking for solutions to the youth violence problems. It is real easy to underestimate what the actual motive was for the young killers, nowadays, and blame the mischievous acts on the music they listen to. For example, the infamous Columbine High School shooting of 1999 in Littleton, Colorado, was accounted by teenagers influenced by Marilyn Manson and other tragic music artists, right? Henry Jenkins, MIT Comparative Media Studies Program director, said, "In the wake of Littleton, we've lived through a period of moral panic. Moral panics are a bad basis for public policy.