How a woman looks is how she feels, which is invisible, so .
many resort to remedies to improve an outlook with blemish cream, blush and perfume .
material things that seem to work. This illusion can assume a woman will become .
beautiful nonetheless make a woman strive for more. Another feeling is a sense of .
powerlessness, when am image isn't right it can become a deeper feeling to become .
perfect. Plastic surgery can be a last resort because it seems to fix any imperfection. This .
is said to save marriages, or when she feels down maybe all she needs is some blush. .
Each one of these articles or topics doesn't help a woman see the good she can make of .
herself inside but focuses on the outside. Can this change a woman's perspective?, or will .
this continue to become an epidemic. The magazines encourage women to create an .
image that just isn't what might quite fit them. Many women are thinking the opposite .
with an image that only pertains to the outside can become a danger to live or become.
For a woman to find her place in a male dominate business world can be difficult. .
A certain magazine article noted that women are not properly well qualified, it also .
portrays women as incompetent in regard to appearance, work and knowledge. In one .
article a woman lost her job because she was too old and unattractive what does this tell .
society? Image is another big key here. Very little do these articles deal with women's .
occupations, but more about how they should portray themselves. Many models in .
articles are dressed in work attire but had no work place to be put in. Another allusion .
that all these models are perfect, in reality they aren't. These pictures can be tricked out .
with photography leading a woman to her success lies not in her knowledge but her .
appearance. Many products have slogans they advertise e.g. Nivea cream advertises "Is .
your face paying the price of success"? a paramount importance of perfect appearance .