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Ancient China

Sun Yat-sen's claims were not acknowledged and Yuan Shikai was give the power to develop a provisional republican government and to organize national unity with the Revolutionary Alliance and the other anti-Imperial forces in central and south China. Therefore, with a few words, China's imperial history collapsed. A new future was ahead of the Chinese people after the Revolution of 1911. .
             1) When the People's Republic was proclaimed in 1949 in Peking, the traditional "northern capital,"" the Communists inherited a country in complete disarray. Since the turn of the century, China had been accosted by revolution and internecine conflict, warlordism, foreign invasion, and chronic calamities like drought, flood and famine. Excessive inflation during the last days of Nationalist rule had arrested commerce and destroyed confidence in the financial system. Dams, irrigation works, and canals had fallen into disrepair, and railroad lines had been cut and recut by contending armies. The population, having suffered enormous casualties as a result of war and natural disasters, was disheartened, famished and exhausted. However, despite such problems confronting the Communists, the new regime had important assets to bring to the immediate task of reconstruction. First, expansive regions of rural China had avoided the chaos, remaining relatively stable as they pursued their traditional patterns of agriculture, handicrafts, and internal trade. Second, because of its localized, cellular nature, Chinese society had a remarkably resilient capacity to rebuild itself after cyclical period of turmoil. Third, after years of governing the territories under their control, the Communists had experience as well as discipline, organization, and a sense of purpose. Therefore, they were able to meet the urgent challenge of rehabilitating China with extraordinary speed. The Communists scored impressive accomplishments soon after taking power.

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