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Advertising Sells The Sizzle

The phrases are in white letters on a blue background which really make them jump off the page. Above her is the phrase "Pleasure To Burn."" This double-entendre is meant not only in a literal sense but in a sexual sense as well. A "Pleasure To Burn- means men will appeal sexually to women like her if they smoke Camel Cigarettes, as well as that it will give them pleasure while they are smoking it. .
             Like the Camel ad, the Salem ad features a woman. The difference is that unlike the Camel ad which is targeted towards males, the Salem ad is targeted towards smoking females. The ad is not only trying to convince women to smoke Salem, but to guide women who already smoke Salem to smoke the type with the green label. In the ad for Salem Cigarettes, the woman has her head tilted back with her eyes closed as smoke exhales from her mouth. She is relaxed and confident like every woman would like to be. She exudes a sensational sexual feeling as smoke exhales into the air. The atmosphere surrounding the woman in the Salem ad consists of nothing except for a green glowing orb. A bright green glow radiates off of the orb and hits the top of the woman's face. The color green compliments the green label on the Salem Cigarette box. The orb .
             signifies that while the woman is smoking Salem cigarettes, she feels as though she is in her own outer space. The cigarette takes her away from everyday life and makes her feel free. The phrase "Stir the Senses- appear in white letters on the dark background. The phrase tells the audience that when women smoke Salem Cigarettes, it will not only "Stir the Senses- by giving them emotional pleasure, but a sexual pleasure as well.
             Logos, ethos, and pathos are all expressed in both advertisements. In the Camel Cigarettes ad, the logos are much more present that that in the Salem ad. The ad screams out that if men smoke Camel Cigarettes they will become rich, self-assured, and a magnet to women.

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