Not a long time ago I've been reading a short passage of lawsuits in my assignment book, .
and the story was about the burglar who tried to rub the house while family goes on vacation. .
Unfortunately he falls off the roof and breaks several bones. Later, the rubber, files a lawsuit .
for $500,000 for medical expenses and pain and suffering. The lawyer for the vacationing .
homeowner argues that since the injuries were sustained during an attempted felony, the .
burglar is entitled to nothing.
This case is steal not clear for me, because I don't understand how can be that the rubber .
sue the people that he tried to rub. And if he sues them to be responsible for his medical bills .
then why these people didn't sued him back for many reasons. For instance, for trespassing on .
private property or for attempt to rub them and even more for moral damage, that if .
government allow burglars has rights to sue people suffer from them. Then people can never .
feel safe from anyone in this country. .
From very beginning, the justice should had been sue the burglar for attempt to rub that .
people. Put him to the jail and deprive him any rights to sue the casualties. Because in other .
ways it is not right. .
The State trying to protect people from many situations, and want us to have all possible .
rights to live safe and right in this country. The American government expect from us to keep .
laws and be worthy people of its country. And back the state to pertain to us respectfully.
Every American person right to know the law-without paying a lawyer-is a cornerstone of .
our democracy. Making process easier and less painful. Experienced lawyers knows that law .
like any other body information, can be broken down and organized into small, easily-digested .
bits. Once that's done, it's relatively easy to find answers to legal questions, whether they .
concern a divorce, trademark or dog bite dispute.