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Rates of Reaction

5 Grams. I will be using medium sized marble chips, dependant on the mass. I will be doing the experiment at room temperature. .
             Control Of Variables.
             Variable How Controlled Units.
             Concentration (HcL) 2M, 1.75M, 1.5M, 1.25M, 1M M.
             Volume (HcL) Constant Cm3.
             Mass Of Marble Chips 0.5 Grams G.
             Surface Of Chips Medium, Dependant on mass Number of chips.
             Temperature At Room O.
             I predict that the weaker the concentration of the Hydrochloric acid, the slower the reaction. .
             I think this because if I have a 2Moler solution of hydrochloric acid there will be a certain number of H+ iron particles but if you had a weaker concentration like 1Moler the reaction would take longer because there are less H+ iron particles to collide with. .
             My method is to pour 50ml of 2Moler Hydrochloric acid into a conical flask and then put 0.5Grams of Marble chips into the conical flask as well and time the Rate Of Reaction between the two. .
             These are the results I collected: .
             2Moler 0.5Grams 8Chips.
             Time (S) Vol Of Gas (CM3).
             0:20 3.
             0:40 7.
             1:00 12.
             1:20 18.
             1:40 24.
             2:00 29.
             2:20 34.
             2:40 40.
             3:00 44.
             3:20 48.
             3:40 52.
             4:00 56.
             4:20 60.
             4:40 64.
             5:00 67.
             5:20 70.
             5:40 73.
             6:00 75.
             6:20 78.
             6:40 79.
             7:00 81.
             7:20 83.
             7:40 84.
             8:00 85.
             8:20 86.
             8:40 87.
             9:00 88.
             9:20 88.
             9:40 89.
             10:00 89.
             10:20 89.
             10:40 89.
             11:00 89.
             11:20 89.
             1.75 Molar 0.5Grams 7Chips.
             Time (S) Vol Of Gas (CM3).
             0:20 2.
             0:40 4.
             1:00 10.
             1:20 15.
             1:40 19.
             2:00 25.
             2:20 30.
             2:40 35.
             3:00 40.
             3:20 44.
             3:40 48.
             4:00 53.
             4:20 55.
             4:40 60.
             5:00 64.
             5:20 67.
             5:40 69.
             6:00 73.
             6:20 47.
             6:40 76.
             7:00 79.
             7:20 81.
             7:40 83.
             8:00 84.
             8:20 85.
             8:40 87.
             9:00 88.
             9:20 89.
             9:40 90.
             10:00 91.
             10:20 91.
             10:40 91.
             11:00 91.
             11:20 91.
             1.5 Molar 0.5Grams 8Chips.
             Time (S) Vol Of Gas (CM3).
             0:20 1.
             0:40 3.
             1:00 9.
             1:20 13.
             1:40 18.
             2:00 23.
             2:20 28.
             2:40 32.
             3:00 37.
             3:20 42.
             3:40 47.
             4:00 50.
             4:20 54.
             4:40 57.
             5:00 61.
             5:20 65.
             5:40 67.
             6:00 70.
             6:20 72.
             6:40 74.
             7:00 76.
             7:20 78.
             7:40 80.
             8:00 82.
             8:20 84.
             8:40 85.
             9:00 86.
             9:20 87.
             9:40 88.
             10:00 89.
             10:20 89.
             10:40 89.
             11:00 89.
             11:20 89.
             1.25 Molar 0.5Grams 8Chips.
             Time (S) Vol Of Gas (CM3).
             0:20 0.
             0:40 1.

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