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Information security

              Any data that can potentially be destroyed, modified, or misused to cause damage needs to be secured.
              To ensure security of data and information you need to secure all sources from where data or information can be retrieved.
              Information security initially involves physically safeguarding all hardware and equipment by keeping them under lock and key.
              After physical access being addressed the network should be secured and data packets monitored. .
              Organization should then secure software, databases, data files and communication systems against unauthorized access.
              Finally this security involves securing your system against misuse.
              Information security in an organization is not the task of only an individual or a group.
              Each and every person related to the organization is concerned with information security. This because IS will affect all entities who hold interest in the organization.
              Employee Employees may lose their work products or data files and may have to sit idle until the system is restored. .
              Management stands to lose because a security breach reflects on its capabilities and managerial efficiency. A security failure is also a management failure. Management is accountable for the loss caused to the organization because of a security breach.
              Clients Organizations maintain confidential information about its clients. There are various details about the client which any client would not want to be made public. Clients also share their information system and work processes with organizations that work for them.
              Stakeholders include any other people who have a stake in the organization. These include proprietors, shareholders, and banks and financial institutions that have provided funds to the organization. A breach in security that becomes public affects the reputation of the organizations. Stake holders are affected by this loss in goodwill.
              Every organization has security policies, procedures and guidelines defined to ensure information security.

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