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Slave Reparations

However, reparations of this kind have become unpopular because they can lead to resentment and further fighting. Today, reparations more often involve government's payments to people it has mistreated. After World War II ended in 1945, for example West Germany paid over $800 million to Jews and the state of Israel to make up for Nazi persecution and murder in the holocaust. This agreement became a model for later reparations demands (Copper). .
             The United States of America government has been instrumental in pressuring the German and Japanese governments into the payments of reparations to the people who suffered and survived the crimes and legacy of slavery (angelfire). If our own government can pressure other countries to pay for slavery then what does that say about America? It seems like we can make a fuss and, fight others for their wrong doings, but "our" very own American government cant help black American get reparations or a sorry for our troubles.
             Due to the history books everyone knows that the last slave ship arrived in the U.S. in 1808 (adversity.net). Although this statement is true; however after and during this period blacks were being breaded like they were dogs. One example is when the slave owners would trade or buy slaves to bread them with the "strongest man and the healthiest woman" these was done to make strong healthy babies. It is also statistically shown that some white ancestors arrived in the U.S after 1808 (adversity.net). I don"t feel that those who arrived after this period should pay or apologize to former slaves. However if they participated in the act of slavery they should pay, they"re not immune. .
             In 1808, less than 10% of the white U.S. population owned slaves. Should only the white descendants of slaveholders have to finance these reparations? Shouldn"t white descendants of non-slave holders be excluded from financing this farce? (thedebt.net). My answers to these questions are yes and no.

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