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Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Blisters or painful open sores may appear, usually in the genital area, anus and thighs, although they can erupt anywhere. Sores heal after several weeks but may reoccur. There is no known cure for herpes though.
             Syphilis is a bacterial STD that can be contracted through vaginal, oral, and anal sex. In the initial phase, the disease produces painless sores that usually appear on the genitals but can appear anywhere on the body. If untreated, the disease progresses on to other stages of infection, which include a rash, fever, sore throat, hair loss, and swollen glands throughout the body. The disease can be cured with penicillin; however damage done to the body organs cannot be reversed. If left untreated, syphilis may cause serious damage to the heart, brain, eyes, nervous system, bones, and can lead to death. .
             Gonorrhea is a bacterial STD that can be contracted through vaginal, anal, and oral sex. Though some cases may be asymptomatic, which means that they show no symptoms of the disease. But when symptoms do appear, they are often mild and usually appear within 2-10 days after exposure. The symptoms include discharge from the penis, vagina, or rectum and burning or itching during urination. Infection can be cured with antibiotics. However, it cannot undo the damage done prior to treatment. If it's untreated in women, this disease becomes a major cause of pelvic inflammatory disease. And it can cause sterility in men. And if untreated, gonorrhea can infect the joints, heart valves and the brain.
             Genital Warts is a form of herpes, which is received by direct contact and sexual intercourse. Genital Warts practically speak for themselves. They are a series of warts on the genital, and pubic area. Like warts elsewhere on the body, they"re caused by a virus. The warts can be removed using laser therapy, various medicines, or a genital cream, which penetrates the warts. Over time, the warts can grow twice their size if they are not treated at sight.

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