Those whom he put into office were close friends of his, including Amos Kendall, Andrew J. Donelson, William B. Lewis, Francis J. Blair, and Duff Green, and became know as the "Kitchen Cabinet". .
In 1830, Henry Clay proposed the Maysville Road Bill, which called upon the building of a road in the state of Kentucky to be paid with federal dollars. Eventually, President Jackson vetoed this bill. Martin Van Buren had pointed out that both New York and Pennsylvania had paid for transportation improvements with state money and needed no assistance from the government. Also, Clay was a rival of Jackson and he did not want Clay to get things done his way. When he vetoed this bill, Jackson applied a strict interpretation of the Constitution, which made sense since he was a strict constructionalist .
In 1828, the Tariff of Abominations came into effect. This tariff had the purpose of protecting American production of goods. It raised the import tax on imported goods to try and give a greater money gain from the U.S. producers. There was not many goods being imported, therefore the country had to use its own goods, which gave more money to the U.S. The North supported this tariff, while the South was against it because was of no help to them. The South protested, saying that economically unfair and unconstitutional because it went against states" rights. In the end, the bill passed because of New England's support of high tariffs. In 1832, South Carolina called a convention after the revision of the Tariff of 1828 which now then was known as the Tariff of 1832. This Tariff was still seen as unfair to the South and at this convention in South Carolina, an ordinance was passed that forbid the collection of tariff duties on the state. .
During the period of 1820-1840, for the first time in the history of the United States, there were two political parties. These parties were known as the Whigs and the Democrats.