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Glass Fibre

The speeds involved in this type of broadband connection range from 128 KB trough to 1MB.
             One disadvantage however of the use of cable is that to receive it, you need to live or work in a location services by one of the cable providers, and you need to have additional network equipment installed.
             1.2.3 Satellite.
             Satellite broadband, another type of broadband offered to customers at the moment, can be offered in two forms, namely the 1-way and 2-way. Both systems are undergoing trials at the moment and have not been produced for the market yet.
             The 1-way type of Satellite Broadband provides a fast download speed of up to 60 times that of a modem, namely 3MB. This is only one way off course and therefore your computer still has to be connected to the Internet via a modem to request the data. This means that to download data, you have a speed of 3MB, but when you need to upload something, it will still take a very long time, due to the fact that it is only one way.
             The 2-way Satellite Broadband will provide a fast link in both directions, in contrast with the 1-way type, and it should be available anywhere throughout the country. But this system also has a downside, namely the cost of this type of broadband. .
             The 2-way satellite broadband is still in the R&D stage with no field trials planned yet in the near future.
             1.2.4 WiFi Hotspots and Wireless.
             At the moment, there are a number of initiatives running implementing WiFi Hotspots and Wireless Networking. These are typically located in busy railway stations and airports. These Hotspots allow people with laptop computers or PDA's to access the Internet at broadband speeds.
             1.3 How does it work.
             When explaining how broadband works, I will focus only on ADSL and Cable, due to the fact that these are the broadband means mostly used.
             1.3.1 How ADSL works.
             ADSL uses the current telephone line for its services. This means that you do not need to have a special line installed for the broadband connection, but that you can still use the phone line.

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