Furthermore, the Internet has made it possible for software to be illegally distributed with ease. Special pages and newsgroups are dedicated to the distribution of illegal software called "warez." Basically, what this means is that someone will purchase a game, let's say, and copy it onto their computer and then post it to the Internet for everyone to access and get for themselves without having to buy the game.
To completely ban pornography from the Internet would almost be a double standard. Because it has been said that a minor should not be able to purchase tobacco or alcohol, does that mean those things should be done away with all together? No, they shouldn't and they haven't been. These items, among others, are simply restricted from the minors themselves instead of being completely obliterated from everyone. This should be the same with the Internet; there is no need to destroy all sources of pornography and other questionable content, but simply restrict access to it so minors may not be allowed access. .
But the Internet is dangerous, some may say. However, people who are potentially dangerous lie at every twist and turn in life, real life, waiting for a chance to strike. This is no different with the Internet and there is no way around it just as there is not any way around it in real life. Even with government regulation, potentially dangerous situations and individuals could only decline by a slight margin. So, in order to help this, there should be laws made stating that if certain rules are broken (e.g. pedophilia) then there will be some sort of punishment inflicted. With the technology we have now, if utilized correctly, it is possible to track anyone down through the Internet. .
As for the illegal software distribution problems, this is a complex issue that really has no end. The best thing the government could do to stop this would be having cyber-police patrol the Internet, looking specifically for illegal software.