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Mythology Vocab

             As a student of Siddya Yoga, one of the basic principles is "Om Namah Shivah," translated as "God is Within." I was furthered intrigued by Shiva coming across it in my readings of "Kali-Ma." Kali Ma is the wife of Shiva. Shiva mated with Kali-Ma and eventually she devoured his entrails. Shiva was also known as Lord of Yoga. The translation is coming from the yoke (Kali-Ma). " Tantric yogis insisted that their supreme Shiva was the only god, and all other gods were inferior imitations of him" (Encyclopedia 935). Contrasting Adam and Eve, the female created the male. A more logical and reasonable event since man cannot create woman. The Lord of the Dance is a powerful symbol in which is displayed in all yoga houses of practice. "Shiva performed this dance in a place called Chidambaram, the "Center of the Universe," but the location of this is within the heart" (Encyclopedia 936). It ties in to the yogic view today, as the supreme ability to balance work, life, and other stressors. The Women's Dictionary denotes an interesting ritual regarding the "Lingam of Shiva" which a bride deflowers herself with this human-sized linga. Shiva was also known as the God of Sexuality. The picture of "Kali the Devourer, Indian, 17th Century" showing, "Indian sacred art sowed her devouring the entrails of her dead consort, Shiva, in a very ghoul like pose, reminiscent of many other Goddesses of antiquity whose Death-goddess aspect was always some form of corpse-devourer" (Dictionary 251).
             I was born under the astrological sign of Pisces. The astrological sign depicts two fish swimming in opposition. Pisces people are known for their deeply emotional and intuitive strengths. The water symbolizes emotion. It is hard for Pisces to earn their "land" feet and feel much better in the element of water. In lay terms, they were not made for this earth. "Greek, Persian, and Sanskrit names for the constellation of Pisces all meant "Fish": Ikhthues, Mahik, Mina" (Dictionary 293) Pisces are the last of the Zodiac and have elements of all the astrological signs.

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