Example: I used to walk to my friend's house and knock for them to come outside now I message then on the Internet and play games on the computer instead of outside. .
High fat foods are obesity promoting in animals and humans. In the last 20 years, the ready availability of high fat foods (ex: fast foods) combined with the decreased calorie requirements because of decreased physical activity is felt to be the major factor in the sharp rise in the more obese people. .
Childhood obesity.
Regardless of your age, you gain weight when the amount of calories coming in equals more than the amount of calories burned. But obesity is not that simple. Weight gain is affected by a variety of factors in addition to caloric intake.
Such factors may include:.
Genetics. Children with overweight parents are more likely to be overweight.
Metabolism. A fast metabolism burns calories quicker than a slow metabolism. Exercise is the main factor that affects metabolism. Although rare, medical conditions you have and medications that you take also may cause changes. To some extent, how much you eat, when you eat and when you skip meals also may affect your metabolism.
Environment. Genetics and metabolism often set the groundwork for a person to become obese, and then environment is the determining factor. Some examples include: .
q Only 25 percent of school-aged children take physical education courses, meaning that fewer and fewer kids exercise during the school day. .
q Physically inactive families also contribute to developing an inactive lifestyle. Kids don't have a lot of good fitness-minded role models " less than 50 percent of Americans exercise 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week. It's hard to be motivated without inspiration. .
Risks and Diseases involved with Obesity.
Obesity is a serious illness that has a load of medical complications. It is relatively rare for doctors to treat obesity itself because it's a difficult long-term process to treat effectively.