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The applications of gm technology

Even single changes in the amino acid sequence can cause dramatic and often catastrophic effects on protein function (e.g. sickle cell disease).
             Once the proteins are folded correctly and transported to their final location inside or outside the cell.
             In several cases proteins do not become fully functional until they have reached their final location. Several proteins, in particular hormones and enzymes, are made as precursor proteins that require activation, usually by enzymic removal of a small section of the polypeptide.
             (Professor Neil Bulleid, 03/2001).
             Multiple copies of these genes can be generated and introduced into different organisms in a process called genetic engineering or genetic modification. For example a human gene coding for insulin can be introduced into bacteria to produce human insulin.
             "The benefit of this technology is that the bacterial cells multiply rapidly, they can be grown very efficiently and they can potentially synthesise large quantities of insulin. The protein made in this way is called a recombinant protein." (Website 1, 2001).
             This is because it has been made by combining DNA from one organism (in this case a human) with the DNA from another organism (in this case a bacterium).
             The alternative source of insulin prior to the recombinant form was insulin isolated from the pancreas of pigs. This differs slightly from human insulin and can cause an adverse immune effect.
             There are many types of recombinant proteins including: (Professor Neil Bulleid, 03/2001).
             Recombinant Protein Source Medical Use.
             Insulin Bacteria Treatment of diabetes.
             Growth Hormone Bacteria Replacement hormone for individuals who suffer from pituitary dwarfism.
             Hepatitis B vaccine Yeast Vaccination programmes.
             Erythropoietin (EPO) Mammalian cells Treatment of anaemia.
             Tissue plasminogen Mammalian cells Dissolving blood clots during thrombosis.
             Alpha-1-antitrypsin Transgenic sheep Treatment of cystic fibrosis and emphysema.

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