III. Activities of the king.
- The best illustration of how he approaches his function as King is perhaps the manner in which he conducts the daily business of Government. The King being the supreme symbol of the Thai Nation and the repository of the Nation's sacred trust, all matters of administration are done in the name of the King and all draft laws are submitted to the King before promulgation. Hence all subjects pass before the King's eyes, ranging from such vital matters as the conclusion of a Treaty, the appointments of the Prime Minister, the Cabinet and all high-grade officials, down through the whole facade of life to such petty subjects as Health regulations, traffic control and even the licensing of pet animals.
- The King, besides, performs various formal functions, again ranging from the Opening of Parliament to the opening of a small provincial bridge if it is deemed suitable. The usual form of contact through which all these matters are submitted to the King depends on their importance some requiring private audience with the King by the Cabinet Ministers or the officials concerned, but mostly through the channel of His Majesty's Private Secretariat.
- King Bhumibol Adulyadej has taken care throughout his Reign to make a careful study of all subjects which have come up before him and he has the service of a Privy Council composed of the most distinguished men of the Realm for expert advices in problems of a complex or difficult nature. Added to his careful attention is the advantage which His Majesty has accumulated since the beginning of his Reign through dealing with high officials, prominent people of high calibre in all the various businesses and professions, as well as the people at large both in the cities and rural areas.
- For those reasons the supreme symbol of the Nation and the repository of the Nation's sacred trust become humanized in the person of His Majesty and the Constitutional King does not become a mere Seal or Signature.